This will allow you to create more elaborate logic for your pricing settings. TSM supports a decent amount of math and logic functions that you can use.

In addition to the premade sources you can create your own price sources. There’s a lot of nuance to how you use them at a higher level, but that doesn’t matter for people just starting out. TSM comes with a lot of pre-defined price sources, and they are adding more sources in TSM4. This is how I can get away with using the exact same operation for ALL of my crafted transmog groups. In stead of manually calculating the crafting cost and recalculating when material prices change you can just use 120% crafting for all your crafted items as the minimum price.

The massive advantage of price sources is that you do not need to set hard coded gold limits for all your auctioning operations. DBMarket is a weighted average of the AH price of an item over the last 14 days. The most commonly used price sources are usually dbmarket and crafting. This means you can refer to the price source by name and TSM will look it up for the specific items in your groups when it executes a shopping or auctioning scan (or any other operation that relies on price sources). What is a TSM price source?Ī price source in TSM is a named variable that represents some pre-defined price.

Several of my groups rely on custom price sources and in this post I will cover when they make sense as well as how they work. One exceedingly useful feature in TSM is the ability to create custom price sources.